Friday, 18 July 2014

How to Be Confident

Posted by Lucy at 10:32
Let's face it. Some people ooze self-confidence and others don't. But, who cares? Read my top tips on building your confidence, so that you can become a Confi Queen!

1. Know your talents. Everybody is great at something, whether it's baking, cycling or maths, so create a mental list of what you excel at. If your struggling to think of two or three things, perhaps identify what you'd like to be good at and find out how you could reach that goal. 

2. Focus on your good qualities. Most of us focus on our bad qualities, rather than our good ones. We should look at the positives and enhance them to the best they can possibly be. Make note of what you like about yourself and go through it when your feeling down.

3. Always look on the bright side of life! It's very important to be positive as negitivity gets you nowhere. Just by smiling can lift your mood or by doing some light exercise. When you have energy, you think more optimistically. 

4. Posture. Just by straightening your back and holding you head a little higher than usual, you can instantly feel a lot more confident. I'm not entirely sure why exactly, but, believe me, it works a treat!

5. Spend time with the people you love. Invite your friend(s) around for a film-fest/spa evening or visit a family member you haven't seen for a while. They're bound to make you smile! Also, avoid confidence-zappers at all costs.  

6. Accept compliments. When someone compliments you, don't be embarrassed! Instead, thank them graciously and compliment them in return. If you're stuck for what to say, here's a couple of ideas:
  • I love your top; it really suits you!
  • You're exceptionally good at maths!
  • That's a pretty name!
  • You're digging that new hairstyle!
7. Be grateful of what you have. Rather than always wanting more, step back and take a good, thorough look at what you have. Be thankful and and just feel lucky to be you!

8. Take care of your appearence. Looking good is a sure-fire way of feeling more confident! You don't have to look like Kiera Knightley to start building confidence though. Just make sure that you shower daily, brush your teeth, use deodorant and wear clothes that make you feel at ease. 

9. Stop comparing yourself to others. One thing that puts us down is comparing ourselves to other people. We should be proud of who we are! When you feel a twang of jealousy for somebody else, tell yourself to stop immediately. Life's too short to waste feeling glum!

10. Live by the motto Be who you wanna be, not what others want to see! In other words, always be yourself! Nobody could ask for anything better!

Hope these ten tips have helped you! Now, get out there a be the confident little mademe I know you are!


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