Sunday, 11 January 2015

My Sunday Evening Pamper Routine

Posted by Lucy at 12:54
After a long, demanding week, why not reward yourself with a relaxing pamper evening? With the weekend drawing to a close, it's hard to look forward to school and work again, but a pamper evening always seems to pick me up and leaves me feeling ready to face the week ahead!

My first step in the pamper process is to remove my make-up and run a deep, steamy bath. Then, I'll light a scented candle (why is it candle's are so relaxing?) and apply a  face mask. Normally, I spend half an hour to forty-five minutes in the bath (any longer than that and my hands go all wrinkly!). 
After that nourishing soak, I pull on my cosiest pajamas and moisturise. At the moment, I'm using Clean and Clear's Dual Action Moisturiser, which I find works really effectively.
Lastly, I make myself a yummy hot chocolate and take it up to my room, where I hop into bed and catch up on my favourite YouTubers' latest videos. 
Thank you for reading this post - I hope it has inspired you to pencil in an evening of 'me-time' every once in while!
Lucy x


Unknown said...

I nominated you for the Infinity Dreams Award! Check it out here:

- Inès xxx

Polka Dot Penny said...

I do love a pamper evening but it's so hard to make time for them!! I've nominated you for the Liebster award on Polka Dot Penny and I'd love it if you answered my questions! Penny xxx

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